A balanced approach
Nurturing natural curiosity for lifelong learning
"Tell me & I forget, Teach me & I remember, Involve me & I learn" (Ben Franklin)

Sprout ELC is proud to announce the construction of Sprout Wamberal. In an effort to extend our Sprout Community, our new purpose-built centre Sprout ELC Wamberal opened in January of 2022. With sweeping views of the escarpment, we can now provide more Central Coast families with the Sprout ELC experience.

Educators utilise intentional teaching techniques and the interests of the child to provide rich and meaningful opportunities for children to learn.

We follow the Early Years Learning Framework ‘Belonging, Being & Becoming’, to provide a high quality education experience. We believe that when children engage in hands on, play based learning, they are more involved and deepen their understanding of key topics.

We place a strong focus on our relationships with children and their families. Our aim is to become a part of your extended family.